Programming Tools and Apps for Kids
Most of these iPad application now have Android counterparts. Check the Google Play store for the Android version of these iOS apps.
iPad apps and Robots for K - 2:
Bee-Bot - programmable robot - buy now! Dash an and d Dot - programmable robots - buy now! Hopscotch - block building coding program Kodable - block building coding program Light Bot - block building coding program Scratch Jr - block building coding program Junior Coder - visual programming A.L.E.X - basic coding and programming Daisy the Dinosaur - introduces the basics of coding iPad apps for 3 - 5: Hopscotch - block building coding program Treehouse Club - Digital Literacy, Computer Basics, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript introductory courses. Cargo-Bot - puzzle game that helps you learn programming concepts. Move the Turtle - create programs based on computer science principles. Swift Playground - real code, made simple and beautiful by Apple - and check out the hardware they added as of June 5th, 2017. |
![]() Keep in mind, most web applications will work on tablets. If you have Microsoft Surfaces, Android devices, or any other alternative tablet/computer device, you can try these web application in a browser.
Web apps for 3 - 5:
Blockly - Blockly Games is wonderfully easy to start and gets very advanced - beware! - block building coding program Khan Academy - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript introductory courses Scratch - block building coding program Tynker - block building coding program Made With Code - Google's block projects Web apps for 4 - 8: CodePen - Front End Development playpen W3Schools - great recourse for web language tutorials GitHub - this links to my GitHub account, but don't stop here. There a huge community of programmers and programming teachers you can find. Khan Academy - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript introductory courses MIT App Inventor 2 - App Inventor for Android. If you don't use an Android device, download an emulator to your computer to test your app. Ruby Warrior - learn Ruby in a game Sonic Pi - make music with code. Link to a collection of articles, resources, and lesson plans. Treehouse Club - Digital Literacy, Computer Basics, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript introductory courses Codecademy - learn to code tutorials Unity - development platform for making games Weebly - Use the embed code block to add HTML to your website. |
High School and AP Computer Science
AP Computer Science Material
Computational complexity theory wiki
Computer Science Wiki
Harvard CS50 - video lectures, course materials, problem sets, and walk throughs.
Introduction to Computer Science - by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
Programming language theory wiki
Teach APCS - collection of advanced placement computer science material
Computational complexity theory wiki
Computer Science Wiki
Harvard CS50 - video lectures, course materials, problem sets, and walk throughs.
Introduction to Computer Science - by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
Programming language theory wiki
Teach APCS - collection of advanced placement computer science material
Reading List - for teachers and students
Learn Programming Languages
Alison - C, Python and Java language courses
Codecademy - Learn to code
Coursera - Variety of courses
GitHub - huge community of programmers in every language and programming teachers
Intro to Python
MIT - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Mozilla Developer Network - Learn to code
O'Reilly - Published books and online videos
Processing - Learn Processing
Ruby Koans - Learn Ruby
Swiftly - Learn to program in Swift on your phone
Treehouse - Learn from over 1000 videos created by our expert teachers on web design, coding, business, and much more.
Udacity - Variety of courses
Udemy - C# language courses
The C Book - learn the C language
History and Code
Cyber Constitution Class
Alison - C, Python and Java language courses
Codecademy - Learn to code
Coursera - Variety of courses
GitHub - huge community of programmers in every language and programming teachers
Intro to Python
MIT - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Mozilla Developer Network - Learn to code
O'Reilly - Published books and online videos
Processing - Learn Processing
Ruby Koans - Learn Ruby
Swiftly - Learn to program in Swift on your phone
Treehouse - Learn from over 1000 videos created by our expert teachers on web design, coding, business, and much more.
Udacity - Variety of courses
Udemy - C# language courses
The C Book - learn the C language
History and Code
Cyber Constitution Class
Other Great Resources
3D Printing CAD programs and projects for kids:
City X Project - 3D printing activity including supplemental materials, articles, and materials.
TinkerCad - 3D modeling, could be used with a 3D printer
Thingiverse - design, share, and discover 3D printable things for the MakerBot
3D Printing Companies for Hire:
Choc Edge
Circuit Boards, Microcontrollers and Electrical Engineering:
BristleBots - great starter project for 2nd and 3rd graders. Buy now!
Little Bits - circuit board training for kids. Buy now! - prototype circuits in the browser.
Raspberry Pi and Arduino are great, kid-friendly microcontrollers and circuit boards to introduce hardware and software. Buy now!
Snap Circuits - great for learning and playing with electricity. Buy now!
Squishy Circuits - ages 4 - adult, play-dough circuits.
Let's Start Coding - fun and easy maker board projects.
Makey Makey - easy to use inventors kits. Buy now!
Coding Communities
GitHub for Education
Stack Overflow - Great reference and forum at any level
Gadget Teardowns: - Sneak peeks inside the hottest new gadgets. Comprehensive disassembly photos, hardware analysis, and witty commentary.
Games for 4th - 8th grade:
Function are Directions - Computer logic without a computer
City X Project - 3D printing activity including supplemental materials, articles, and materials.
TinkerCad - 3D modeling, could be used with a 3D printer
Thingiverse - design, share, and discover 3D printable things for the MakerBot
3D Printing Companies for Hire:
Choc Edge
Circuit Boards, Microcontrollers and Electrical Engineering:
BristleBots - great starter project for 2nd and 3rd graders. Buy now!
Little Bits - circuit board training for kids. Buy now! - prototype circuits in the browser.
Raspberry Pi and Arduino are great, kid-friendly microcontrollers and circuit boards to introduce hardware and software. Buy now!
Snap Circuits - great for learning and playing with electricity. Buy now!
Squishy Circuits - ages 4 - adult, play-dough circuits.
Let's Start Coding - fun and easy maker board projects.
Makey Makey - easy to use inventors kits. Buy now!
Coding Communities
GitHub for Education
Stack Overflow - Great reference and forum at any level
Gadget Teardowns: - Sneak peeks inside the hottest new gadgets. Comprehensive disassembly photos, hardware analysis, and witty commentary.
Games for 4th - 8th grade:
Function are Directions - Computer logic without a computer
Groups who maintain Internet and Web standards:
ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IETF - The Internet Engineering Task Force IS - Internet Society W3 - World Wide Web Consortium History of the Internet: How does the Internet work? - in-depth article The Birth of the Web - Cern's website The Internet Explained - a great history of the Internet and the players that made it possible History of the World Wide Web: Jon Postel - maintained IP addresses on index cards for quite some time Tim Berners-Lee - inventor of the web Vint Cerf - father of the Internet Web IQ Quiz - Pew Research Center Jokes: Never underestimate the power of a good joke - Don't use these sparingly Pi Day Rant List of Standards: CSS HTML Elements JavaScript standards Python PEP (Python Enhancement Proposals) Index Maker Websites: Instructables - make stuff together Pinterest - ideas for any occasion Thingiverse - 3D printing projects Posters for download: Git Cheat Sheet Google Like a Pro Hexadecimal Number Chart |